This is a god send and i just love this tadka pan. Since my husband loves to have south indian food especially chutneys, i end up using this pan quite often. I have had it just a week and used it everyday. It is easy to clean and so convenient to use.
Since it is heavy bottomed it sits well on the electric stove and the long handle makes it real easy to handle! The spices heat up really well.
I bought it from Indian supermarket, Irving for $9.99 plus tax and it is quite a good buy. I suppose you get it for much less in India.
Since it is heavy bottomed it sits well on the electric stove and the long handle makes it real easy to handle! The spices heat up really well.
I bought it from Indian supermarket, Irving for $9.99 plus tax and it is quite a good buy. I suppose you get it for much less in India.