Saturday, September 26, 2009

Matoke with beans (green bananas with beans)

A recipe i got from a forward which will surely be appreciated by those of us brought up in East Africa.

it was kindly pointed out by saju that the posts were from the blog "". thank you for the same and apologies that it was wrongly posted - there are pictures available too

Matoke with beans (green bananas with beans)


4 - 5 matoke (green bananas from Uganda)
1 400g can red kidney beans
1 200g can peeled tomatoes
2 cloves garlic - minced
1 inc h ginger - grated
2 chilies - minced
1 table spn vegetable oil
1 tspn mustard seeds
1/2 tspn turmeric
2 teaspoons coriander/cumin mix
salt to taste


1. Peel the green bananas and place in cold water, (otherwise they discolor).

2. Heat oil in a pan, add the mustard seeds, as soon as they start to splutter, add the tomatoes, garlic, ginger and the minced chilies, stir and fry for a few minutes.

3. Add the cumin, coriander and turmeric, fry for a few minutes. Add the bananas and the beans and mix so that the vegetables are coated with the mixture.

4. Add one cup water and salt and cook for 20 minutes

serve with chapatti or rice

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